Calendar field structural data format for simple date
Using full structural data for importing calendar field simple date return 500 internal server error in the console and import process hangs. Basically it wouldn't be a problem as long as it wouldn't be a method which use imex for export. In the moment when someone want to export this data and then import it back in other place, he need to edit all records to maintain correct format.
For summary, these two methods works for import:
This generate server error:
``` "{ ""string"":""31.12.2017"", ""timezone"":{ ""offset"":0, ""timezone"":""UTC"" }, ""struct"":""1514732687.847"", ""timestamp"":""1514732687.847"" }" ```
I think it also didn't work in the Imex 2.2, but would be good at least to not break import process but at skip this data and left field empty.