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SobiPro - The Joomla! Directory Extension
Show several images of an entry in a gallery, specifically made for mobile devices.
The English language package for SobiPro (en-GB) and the newest language files for SobiPro applications are always included in SobiPro and the applications. For reference we will listen here all English language files.
Polska paczka językowa dla SobiPro (pl-PL) i najnowsze pliki językowe dla aplikcaji SobiPro. (Polish language package for SobiPro (pl-PL) and the newest language files for SobiPro applications.)
Deutsches Sprachpaket für SobiPro (de-DE) und die neusten Sprachdateien für SobiPro Applikationen. (German language package for SobiPro (de-DE) and the newest language files for applications.)
Langue Française: Pack de langue française pour SobiPro (fr-FR) et les derniers fichiers de langue pour les applications SobiPro.
SobiPro - The Joomla! Directory Extension
The original default3 standard template for Bootstrap 2 as separate installation package as removed from SobiPro 1.4+ packages.
The SobiPro ACL override Application allows you to change the default access for specific entries.
This means, if your ACL rules disallow access to entries in a section, you will be able to allow access for some specific entries only, and vice versa.
Find more information about the ACL Override Application in our documentation: https://www.sigsiu.net/center/applications/5-acl-override-application where you can also download it as a club member.
You will get professional support in our ticket system https://www.sigsiu.net/support or community support in our community forum https://www.sigsiu.net/support/community-area.
If you thought you found a bug, please open a new issue https://code.sigsiu.net/Sigsiu.NET/AclOverride/issues/new.
The SobiPro Import/Export Application enables to import entries and categories to a SobiPro section from a CSV File and to export entries and categories from a SobiPro section to a CSV or XML file.
The SobiPro SP-GeoMap Field extends the types of possible custom fields with a field type for showing the location of an entry on a Google Map. While editing an entry, It creates coordinates based of the geo-location of the current IP address of the
The Expiration Applications controls entry's expiration, sends emails to the user to let him know about the expiration, and lets the user renew an entry. Emails can be send to users/authors and/or administrators before and after expiration ...
The Disqus Integration application let you use the Disqus commenting system in an SobiPro entry (details view). The number of comments, linked to the comments in the details view, can be shown in the vCard of each entry.
The Coupon Field adds an additional field type to your SobiPro component. It lets you generate discount or prolongation codes, means that you can give your customers either a price discount or additional publishing days for their entry. Coupons can b
The SobiPro Contact Form Field is an application which adds any kind of contact form to an entry.
The Collection Application is an application to mark some entries and collect them, e.g. for a favourites list, and compare them. You can send emails to all or only some selected entry authors.
The SobiPro Calendar Field lets you create a date field that features a popup calendar in the entry form of SobiPro that lets users easily select a date.