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Bootstrap for SobiPro administration (back-end) including font-awesome icons (Joomla 4)
The SobiPackages Template lets you create a directory with different packages (e.g. Bronze, Silver, Gold).
Persian/Farsi language package for SobiPro (fa-IR) and the newest language files for SobiPro applications.
SobiPro - The Joomla! Directory Extension
SobiPro - The Joomla! Directory Extension
Langue Française: Pack de langue française pour SobiPro (fr-FR) et les derniers fichiers de langue pour les applications SobiPro.
Deutsches Sprachpaket für SobiPro (de-DE) und die neusten Sprachdateien für SobiPro Applikationen. (German language package for SobiPro (de-DE) and the newest language files for applications.)
Polska paczka językowa dla SobiPro (pl-PL) i najnowsze pliki językowe dla aplikcaji SobiPro. (Polish language package for SobiPro (pl-PL) and the newest language files for SobiPro applications.)
The English language package for SobiPro (en-GB) and the newest language files for SobiPro applications are always included in SobiPro and the applications. For reference we will listen here all English language files.
Vietnamese language package for SobiPro (vi-VN) and the newest language files for SobiPro applications.
Ukrainian language package for SobiPro (uk-UA) and the newest language files for SobiPro applications.
Turkish language package for SobiPro (tr-TR) and the newest language files for SobiPro applications.
Thai language package for SobiPro (th-TH) and the newest language files for SobiPro applications.